Friday, 28 June 2013

Motivational Quotes For Kids

Motivational Quotes For Kids Definition

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give uMotivating kids is an art. Unfortunately, having kids and parenting them is not enough to master this art. Motivating your kids requires taking responsibility for your kids' motivation and making a commitment to keep learning and improving your motivational skills to an art form.What you need to remember is that if you try each and every exercise presented to you in this series, you will surely find the best way to motivate your own kids. Success lies in the combination between your kids' personalities and needs with yours.If you think it takes a long time to make a change, please know that most of the times, it is hard to recognize the change, but nevertheless, the change occurs. If you look at your reflection in the mirror, you may not be able to see your changes, but if you take a photo of yourself and look at it in 3 months, you will be able to see the change clearly. This is why I recommend measuring the progress in your ability to motivate your kids. You will be surprised to find out how much has changed if you just focus on it.  All parents want to motivate their kids. Do not fall into the trap of saying "I accept everything my kids do", because if it were true, you would not be reading this post. No one brings kids to the world to let them find by themselves (the hard way) how to be healthy, successful and happy. If you want to encourage kids to be, do or have something they want, you must first find out what they want.  Kids have a challenge with responsibility when they feel overwhelmed. This is natural, so be understanding to their desire to transfer responsibility to you. Your expectations must be suitable to their age, to their abilities and to the situation.Teach your kids to chunk down and focus on small goals. Even grownups feel overwhelmed when they have no idea how to handle a situation. It is just normal. Focusing on smaller bits is always a good way to lower the stress level. Trying again and again, even if we fail, teaches us something that may be useful next time.Help your kids do something to achieve what they want. They must take action to get there. In fact, it destroys their motivation. Praise and appreciation are the most basic and easiest motivational techniques.  Do not waste a day of your life without by not telling your kids how much you love them, how much they mean to you and how wonderful they are. If you are upset, look harder for something good to focus on. Giving rewards is a great way to motivate kids. If you are afraid that your kids "will get used to it", make sure you reward after, not before.It is better to prepare a reward list before you need it. Make sure you agree with your partner on the rewards, so the kids do not "divide and conquer". Make sure your kids are aware of the system you are using and stick only to things you can follow. Do not bargain on rewards. Parenting is not a marketplace there is no haggling. Remember that kids are different and need different rewards. Explain to your kids that doing just a bit every time can take them a long way and all they need to do is focus on the next step, even if they want to climb a high mountain. Teach your kids to do "just a little bit more". Inspiration is a gentle form of motivating. Learning from others who have "done it" gives kids the necessary belief it is possible.When kids pursue their desires, whether they allow you to motivate them or not, they face difficulties and may be discouraged many time along the way.

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